On 28 August 2015, the 16th ICA General Assembly established the Commission on Location-Based Services (LBS). The mission of the LBS Commission is to advance the research on LBS in all its interdisciplinary fields, with the aims to enable “anywhere, anytime, for anyone and anything” (4A) services.
On 20 July 2019, the 17th ICA General Assembly approved a new term for the LBS Commission 2019-2023.
Terms of Reference 2019-2023
- Promote research on Location based Services (LBS) in all its interdisciplinary aspects.
- Maintain the commission website (http://lbs.icaci.org/) and update it regularly to allow commission members to exchange information, as well as to disseminate information on activities in this field to a wider public.
- Maintain the commission E-Mail list for the exchange of activities, knowledge, news, and information on LBS.
- Update the LBS Research Agenda (https://lbs.icaci.org/research-agenda/) to reflect the new challenges brought by the new technological development, scientific advancement and societal changes.
- Organise ICC sessions, workshops and international conferences on LBS for colleagues from various disciplines to meet, and share research findings, ideas, and plans on how LBS can and could be improved and on how it will influence both science and society.
- Publish reports, books and special issues on LBS with scientific journals.
- Encourage interdisciplinary and international collaboration with cognate disciplines and relevant stakeholders, including other ICA commissions and working groups, and other allied research communities (e.g., ISPRS, FIG, IAG).