During 12-14 September 2022, the 17th International Conference on Location Based Services (LBS 2022) has been successfully held at TU Munich, Germany. The conference was organized by the ICA Commission on Location Based Services, and hosted by Prof. Liqiu Meng and Prof. Jukka Krisp and their teams at TU Munich and University Augsburg.
The conference featured two keynote presentations of Georg Gartner from TU Wien and Harvey Miller from Ohio State University. A total of 39 oral presentations have been given in 8 single-stream sessions over three days. These oral presentations provide a general picture of recent research activities related to the domain of LBS. Such activities emerged in the last years, especially concerning issues of outdoor/indoor positioning, smart environment, spatial modelling, personalization, context-awarenesss, cartographic communication, novel user interfaces, social media, big data analysis, usability, ethics, and privacy.
Papers accepted in the category “Full papers” and accepted in the category “Work in progress” (double-blind peer-review based on full papers) are published as online proceedings LBS2022:
- Krisp, Meng, Kumke, Huang (eds.) (2022) Proceedings 17th International Conference on Location Based Services (LBS2022), Munich / Augsburg, Germany, September 12-14.
The next LBS conference has been planned and will be hosted by Prof. Haosheng Huang and Prof. Nico Van de Weghe at Ghent University (Belgium) in November 2023. We look forward to meeting you there.
More details regarding LBS 2022 can be found at http://lbsconference.org/.