The LBS Commission is organizing a special session “LBS and Ubiquitous Cartography” (SpS6-ICA) at the ISPRS Congress 2016, which will take place from 12-19 July 2016 in Prague, Czech Republic. The deadline for full paper submissions and abstract submissions is 13 December 2015.
Topics of interests include (but not limited to): Outdoor and indoor positioning, Smart environments and ambient spatial intelligence, Spatio-temporal data acquisition, processing, and analysis, LBS, crowdsourcing and volunteered geographic information (VGI), Neocartography, Geotagged big data, Personalization and context-aware adaptation, Visualization techniques for LBS, Novel user interfaces and interaction techniques, 3D and augmented reality, Innovative LBS systems and applications, Wayfinding and navigation, LBS and transportation applications, User studies and evaluations, Privacy and usability, Human factors in LBS, Smart cities, Legal and business aspects in LBS, Open source solutions and standards