LBS research agenda: call for one paragraph proposals of “big problems” in LBS

The ICA Commission on Location-Based Services is currently starting an initiative to develop a cross-cutting research agenda for the field of Location-Based Services (LBS), aiming to identify key research questions and challenges that are essential for the LBS development in the next 5 or 10 years.

The details of the initiative are available here at:

As a first step in this process, we invite all interested parties to write a one paragraph proposal to describe what they believe are the “big problems” that should be addressed to bring LBS research into a higher level. The commission chairs together with several invited experts will then examine, classify, and group these proposals, and provide a first list of “key problems”. The list will be circulated to the LBS research community for comments and feedback.

The deadline for one paragraph proposals of “big problems” in LBS has been extended to 5 August 2016. Please submit your proposal here.

LBS 2016: work in progress deadline reminder

Just a reminder for the LBS 2016 ( The deadline for work in progress abstracts (up to 800 words) is 15 July 2016, in about one week.

Work in progress will be peer-reviewed by the organizing committee with several invited experts. If accepted, you will be invited to give an oral presentation at the conference and an extended abstract or full paper (your choice) will be published in the online proceedings of the conference (with an ISBN). Authors of selected work in progress will be also invited to submit extended versions of their work to a special issue of the Journal of LBS.

We are looking forward to your contributions and to meeting you in Vienna!