On 28 August 2015, the 16th ICA General Assembly in Rio de Janeiro approved the new research commission on Location-Based Services (LBS) for the term of 2015-2019. The commission aims to provide a platform for anyone whose work is either focused on or relevant to LBS to interact and exchange knowledge, experience and ideas on how LBS can be improved and on how it will influence both science and society.
LBS is an interdisciplinary research field. Within the LBS commission, we are interested in any research topics related to LBS, including (without being limited to) outdoor and indoor positioning, context and user modelling, location tracking and processing, user interfaces, usability, privacy and social issues, smart cities, mobility and transportation applications, health applications, and so on.
You are cordially invited to become a member of the commission and participate in its activities. Please also advertise the opportunity to join the commission to any colleagues and students whom you think might be interested in the topics. Please sign-up here to become a member and receive news and updates through the commission’s moderated mailing list.